Car & Motorcycle Registration Service

Your assistance for the registration

Drapeau luxembourg

Luxembourg car registration

Vous êtes le nouveau propriétaire d’un véhicule neuf ou d’occasion, vous voulez remplacer votre ancien véhicule ou vous venez d’acheter une voiture supplémentaire ? Nous nous occupons des différentes étapes administratives ainsi que de toutes les procédures.

New or used vehicle?

According to the applicable VAT regulations, a vehicle is considered as:
  • a used car if it has traveled more than 6,000 kilometers and when the first registration was more than 6 months ago ;
  • a new car if it has traveled less than 6,000 kilometers or when the first registration was less than 6 months ago.

Your car has been imported from the UE ?

If your car is importée de l’étranger,it will need to comply with the standards set by the Société Nationale de Circulation Automobile (link SNCA). Dans la plupart des cas, l’ancien propriétaire vous donne les différents documents de conformité (European Certificate of Conformity ( CoC ), Technischer Überwachungsverein ( TÜV ), Technical Control (CT), etc..). Si ce n’est pas le cas, vous pouvez nous contacter pour vous renseigner sur les procédures à suivre.

When should you pay the VAT on the importation of the car?

The Luxembourg VAT of 17% is due upon certain imports for :
– A new car et d’occasion coming from a member country of the European Union.
– A véhicule neuf et d’occasion coming from a country outside of European Union
For a vehicle imported from a non-EU member state, you will also have to pay customs duties amounting to 10% of the value of the car.

To whom should you pay VAT upon importation ?

If you have purchased a new vehicle coming from a country in the European Union :
– You must present yourself at the customs office (customs portal)  avec les documents administratifs (certificat d’immatriculation en original, certificat de conformité européen (coc)) ainsi que la facture ou contrat de vente.
– At the customs office, you must do the declaration 446L (download here) and pay 17% VAT. Customs will issue you with the following the vignette 705 (link) to register the vehicle.
Si vous avez acheté un véhicule d’occasion provenant d’un autre Etat Membre de l’Unien Européenne :
– you must present yourself at customs with the vehicle, along with the administrative documents (certificat d’immatriculation en original, European conformity certificate (coc)) as well as the invoice or contract of sale.
Cas particulier, les sociétés assujettis à la TVA (hors société civile) n’ont pas besoin de présenter le véhicule.
To avoid having to present a large sum of money at customs and for any additional information, particularly regarding the calculation of the amount of VAT to be paid, we assist you in settling this amount.
Vous n’avez pas besoin de vous déplacer, tout est inclu dans notre offre dédouanement + immatriculation.

Obtaining a registration number

Chaque véhicule demandant l’immatriculation doit avoir à l’avant et à l’arrière une plaque d’immatriculation.
L’immatriculation  de la current series :
2 letter and 4 digits – AA 1234
Le numéros de l’ personalised registration number
2 letter and 4 digits – AA 1234
a 5-digit number – 12345
a 4-digit number – 1234

Technical Control Luxembourg

If the car you purchased has been registered for more than 4 years, it is essential to do the technical inspection to ensure that the vehicle complies with the requirements set by the Société Nationale de Contrôle Technique  (link SNCT).
Si la visite technique a été effectuée par l’ancien propriétaire du véhicule, elle ne doit pas dater de plus de 3 mois. Si le contrôle technique à plus de 3 mois, la voiture doit repasser sa visite au Luxembourg.
Regarding the periodic inspection, a notification is sent by letter approximately 8 semaines avant l’échéance of the technical inspection certificate.
The frequency of the technical inspection:
  • – for the 1st periodic inspection : 4 years after the first registration of the car.
  • – for the 2nd periodic inspection : 4 years after the first registration of the car.
  • each year for the following periodic inspections.

Documents to provide for registration

  • □ L’ancien certificat d’immatriculation
  • □ The license plate number, current series or personalized number (2 letters-4 digits or 5 digits)
  • □ La facture de vente (si achat à un particulier le contrat de vente avec la copie d’identité de l’ancien propriétaire)
  • □ The technical inspection dated less than 3 months ago (if the vehicle is more than 4 years old)
  • □ The European conformity certificate of the vehicle for cars registered after February 1, 2016
  • □ L’attestation d’assurance d’une compagnie d’assurance agréée au Luxembourg (responsabilité civile)
  • □ A photo of the vehicle identification plate (door plate on the passenger side) and a photo of the odometer.
  • □ A copy of your valid identity document.
  • □ The custom clearance (vignette 705)

Documents to provide for customs clearance

  • □ L’ancien certificat d’immatriculation
  • □ La facture de vente (en cas d’achat à un particulier : contrat de vente avec la copie d’identité de l’ancien propriétaire)
  • □ The European conformity certificate of the vehicle for cars registered after February 1, 2016
  • □ A copy of your valid identity document.

Car registration

Starting from €386

Included services

Included fees


Importation + registration

Starting from 737€

Included services

Included fees


Winter storage

Starting from 100€

Included services

Technical control

Starting from 235€

Included services


Deregister a vehicle

Starting from 105€

Included services


Road tax certificate

  • The calculation is based on CO2 emissions (NEDC & WLTP values) as indicated on the vehicle's certificate of conformity, as well as the type of fuel used
Drapeau france

France export

Temporary registration WW

Starting from 200€

Included services


Technical control

Starting from 275€

Included services


Deregister a vehicle

Starting from 75€

Included services


Tax clearance certificate (quitus fiscal)

Starting from 75€

  • The tax clearance certificate (quitus fiscal) will allow you to obtain your temporary WW registration certificate (CPI) or your permanent car registration. It is provided as proof that you are... compliant with VAT regulations Obtaining it from the SIE for vehicles coming from Civil Societies can be tedious; we handle it for you